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5 Reasons to get ECO4 Leads

5 Reasons to get ECO4 Leads

ECO is back! The ECO4 scheme started in April 2022 and already savvy installers are busy making home improvements for vulnerable households up and down the country.

Are you an installer or lead broker and want to get in on the action? Then, this article is for you!

We’re going to give you the 5 reasons to get the hottest new ECO marketing leads.

If you’d like to know what’s changed for ECO4, read this.

What are ECO4 Leads?

At Direct Data Squad, we provide two different types of leads for running ECO4 marketing campaigns.

These are:

ECO4 Web Leads

ECO4 web leads are qualified marketing leads of UK consumers who are concerned about energy efficiency measures.

We generate 100% of these leads online using digital marketing techniques. Our toolbox includes paid search, search engine marketing, social media marketing and advertising.

Due to this, the customer experience is far better than traditional marketing channels. And as a result, prospect engagement is better and conversions are better, too.

EPC Data Lists

ECO4 Web Leads are fantastic, but if you’re looking for something less qualified and with higher volume, EPC data lists may be better suited to you.

These are marketing data lists of homes in the UK and their EPC rating. This form of marketing data performs exceptionally well for ECO marketing campaigns.

If you want to know more, learn more about our EPC leads here.

 5 Reasons to get ECO4 Leads

1. Qualified

direct data squad

If you’re working on an ECO campaign, you know how strict the qualification criteria is. So, what’s the point of leads that don’t match the criteria? They’re only going to fail their application for funding.

We don’t want to waste your time with prospects that can’t convert into sales. That’s why we qualify 100% of our leads. If they don’t match your criteria, we give you another!

ECO4 Leads enter the age-old debate about quality over quantity. In our experience, clients who switch onto our ECO4 web leads see an improvement in almost every sales metric; including productivity and staff morale.

Why’s that?

Well, instead of getting tired and demoralised calling data records, they’re calling fresh enquiries. Every time you or one of your agents picks up the phone, they’re going to speak to someone engaged, interested, and expecting their call.

2. Digital Customer Journey

direct data squad

An online lead gen customer journey is like an epic road trip!

All the craze now is about web leads. Every director is looking to source online leads.


Well, an online customer journey creates a far better customer experience. No matter how good a lead generation agent is, every telemarketing lead begins with a cold phone call. This means that the prospect is interrupted during their day to be pitched to.

Whereas, with web leads, a prospect is able to take their time and engage with our mix of outbound and inbound marketing material. Then, when they’re ready they can complete the conversion process themselves.

As a result, web lead prospects are far more engaged and have an interest in your product before you’ve spoken to them.

3. Return Policy

We want you to be as confident in our leads as we are. We’re so confident in our leads that we offer a very generous returns policy.

Unlike with marketing data, there is no margin for error. We don’t sell web leads with inaccuracies in mind. If we give you an ECO web lead that’s not exactly what we said it would be, no drama. We replace it!

4. Instant Delivery

direct data squad

One of the greatest benefits of web leads is that they are delivered in real-time. We deliver our web leads faster than a fighter jet could.

To do this, we use an custom API integration to deliver lead information straight from our lead generation source to your CRM. It’s totally seamless.

If that’s a bit too technical for you, no problem. Instead we can program our distribution system to deliver an email with the prospect information. Don’t worry, this all happens still in real-time.

5. Cost-Effective

Sure, ECO web leads are more expensive than marketing data. But the rewards are so much juicier! Our clients see a huge increase in ROAS after switching to ECO web leads.

If you spoke to 100 people who fit your criteria exactly, how many people do you think you’d sell to?

Well now, you can put that to the test. Unlike with marketing records you can get qualified prospects delivered to you in real-time.

Because of all these benefits, our clients make more money from their ECO leads than ever before.

Want to join them?

Speak to a member of the team today.